More than just a beer

Gulder, the ultimate in beer is widely acknowledged as an international beer of class and character
Gulder’s dramatic entry into Nigeria’s beer market in 1970 radically changed the way people see beer. Today, the Gulder drinker consistently makes a statement with this brand. He or she also carries a certain style and panache that is clearly associated with the iconic brew. This positive image is what you get with a beer that is known for rich taste and excellent quality.
But there are incontrovertible facts about Gulder that are well known by all. These include its natural malted barley ingredients, the beer’s unique blend, its distinctive design fondly called the Damask and the design updates which also feature on the exclusive crown cork reinforce Gulder’s leadership and prominence as a beer of choice.
To remain at the top, the brand and its promoters are not resting in any way. They are not unaware of new players and the ever changing business environment. Therefore they have unleashed their creativity and their good judgement towards retaining and maintaining their customer base across Nigeria and even beyond. The first thing Nigerian Breweries did to retain consumer confidence and maintain its lead was to go public with some hitherto unknown facts. This information is the secret of the special taste and excellent quality which is the special process feature that is responsible for the rich golden colour, the extreme clarity and the crisp bitter taste that is satisfying. This secret is
also feature on the exclusive crown cork reinforce Gulder’s leadership and prominence as a beer of choice.
To remain at the top, the brand and its promoters are not resting in any way. They are not unaware of new players and the ever changing business environment. Therefore they have unleashed their creativity and their good judgement towards retaining and maintaining their customer base across Nigeria and even beyond. The first thing Nigerian Breweries did to retain consumer confidence and maintain its lead was to go public with some hitherto unknown facts. This information is the secret of the special taste and excellent quality which is the special process feature that is responsible for the rich golden colour, the extreme clarity and the crisp bitter taste that is satisfying. This secret is boldly ingrained on the label design which is regularly updated in an event