Anonymous hacks CBN, Police websites, NBC Twitter handle to support #ENDSARS protests

Anonymous hacking group, an online network known for launching cyber attacks against government institutions, has shut down the website of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN),
It was the third cyber asset of the Nigerian government to be hit by the group, which declared it was sympathising with #EndSARS protesters in Nigeria.
Earlier Friday, Anonymous seized the Twitter account of the National Broadcasting Commission and posted a series of messages, derisive of government, but supportive of the protesters.
It said it was out to “expose government’s secrets & dirty files”.
The apex bank website was unreachable on Friday night, as it repeatedly gave ‘server error.”
“500 – Internal server error. There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed”, was the response loggers got.
Up till Friday night, the group was still in control of the Twitter account @nbcgovng.
The hackers have also hacked a new Twitter account opened by the commission.
Also on Friday, Anonymous hacked into the database of the Nigerian Police Force.